Chew on This: Loving Pets Nature’s Choice Sweet Potato & Duck Meat Sticks
Imagine coming home to find your cute pup munching on your favorite shoes. It's a classic dog move every pet parent has experienced at some point. You return home to find something in tatters, whether it be furniture stuffing strewn about, feather pillows ripped to shreds, and your pup, aware of his guilt, is nowhere to be seen. But don't worry, we've got some great tips to turn those "chew" moments into "choose these" moments. Understanding the reasons behind your dog’s chewing behavior is critical. With this knowledge, you can give your dog treats and toys that redirect his chompers toward healthy options.
Why dogs chew
Dogs chew for several reasons, from teething and exploration to relieving stress and keeping their teeth clean. This understanding can help encourage positive chewing habits in your pet, making you a more informed and knowledgeable pet owner.
Chewing is normal dog behavior. This instinctual behavior originated when dogs lived in the wild and needed to hunt for food. Most pet dogs don’t need to hunt for food today; many eat just as well as their human families. (Who can resist pulling out extra treats when they see those puppy eyes?) Though dogs now live alongside humans, the desire to chew is still part of their genetic makeup.
Since chewing is a healthy, normal dog behavior, you want to promote healthy chewing rather than discouraging it. Chewing on “good” items improves your dog’s overall health and prevents your pup from destructive chewing. You must provide your dog with safe, healthy toys and treats. We make it easy to give your pup an outlet for the natural chewing instinct with 100% natural Loving Pets Nature’s Choice Sweet Potato & Duck Meat Sticks.
Why does your mutt munch?
- Puppy teething: Puppies chew when they are teething to ease the pain and discomfort in their gums. Like babies, they experience pain when their permanent teeth are growing in. Chewing also helps puppies loosen their baby teeth to make room for their adult teeth.
- Exploring: Like young children, puppies also explore the world by putting objects in their mouths.
- Anxiety: Some dogs chew to relieve anxiety, particularly dogs with separation anxiety. A dog with separation anxiety might chew around windows and doorframes to “get out” when left at home alone.
- Relief from stress and boredom: Dogs who are stressed or bored may chew because they are understimulated. If your dog chews for this reason, review your schedule and ensure your pup gets enough exercise and stimulation throughout the day.
- Teeth cleaning: Chewing is essential for our pup’s dental health. The need to chew is hardwired into dogs even though, as pets, they no longer hunt for food. Chewing and grinding help clean tartar off teeth and maintain healthy, strong jaw and neck bones.
As you can see, chewing is a healthy, vital canine behavior. Rather than discourage this behavior, you want to promote healthy chewing.
How to encourage healthy chewing
When you find your pup chewing your new leather boots or that favorite piece of furniture, gently redirect him to an appropriate item. Always pick out safe chew toys based on your pet’s size and chew style. If inappropriate chewing continues, consult your veterinarian or a behaviorist to determine what’s causing the behavior. Consult your veterinarian before adding new treats to your dog’s diet.
Offer edible chew treats
Chew treats should be:
- Easily recognizable from household items, such as shoes, socks, and furniture
- Long-lasting
- Free of extra chemicals, additives, preservatives, fillers, and by-products
- A good source of protein
Why our choice is Nature’s Choice
Many dog treats can pose health risks. Some chews are made with additives and fillers to make them longer-lasting. Rawhide chews can break apart into pieces and get stuck in your dog’s digestive tract. Unlike many commercial dog treats, Loving Pets Nature’s Choice Sweet Potato & Duck Meat Sticks contain precisely what they say: 100% pure meat and tasty sweet potato.
These sweet potato and duck meat sticks also contain glucosamine and chondroitin, two supplements that protect joints and delay the progression of canine arthritis as dogs age. Studies show that glucosamine may provide effects similar to anti-inflammatory medication, while chondroitin sulfate prevents the deterioration of joints and cartilage.
Benefits of glucosamine and chondroitin
While glucosamine is often given as a supplement to dogs who are at high risk for developing arthritis, when given together, both glucosamine and chondroitin may:
- Decrease joint pain and inflammation
- Increase the body’s ability to produce joint fluid
- Prevent or delay the breakdown of cartilage
- Repair damaged cartilage
Benefits of sweet potato
If you associate sweet potato with Thanksgiving dinner, think again! These orange colored root vegetables have numerous health benefits for humans and canines! They are sweeter than potatoes and their orange color comes from the antioxidant beta carotene. The benefits of sweet potatoes for our canine companions are the same as for humans.
- They are a great source of beta carotene, a powerful antioxidant in carrots, tomatoes, and many leafy vegetables.
- One study found that beta-carotene supplementation significantly restored immune responses in older dogs.
- Feeding sweet potatoes may help dogs later in life since immune responses tend to diminish with age.
- They are a good source of dietary fiber essential for healthy digestion and maintaining a healthy weight.
- They are high in vitamin C, another vitamin critical for immune function.
- They are a great source of vitamin B6, essential for metabolism, nervous system function, and blood tissue oxygenation.
- They are a good source of Potassium and Vitamin A.
Choosy chewers will love Loving Pets Nature’s Choice Sweet Potato & Duck Meat Sticks. They satisfy a dog’s natural desire to chew while providing essential nutrients for your dog’s health. These chew treats are made from only top-quality ingredients.
If you have a shoe-chewer or a sofa-shredder in your home, remember that redirecting your pet’s chewing is a process. Like any behavior change, some repetition may be necessary before it sticks. Keep your training firm but fun, and never approach your dog angrily or harshly.